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Boards & Commissions

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The City of Olivia Boards have some openings. We need individuals excited to serve on Mainstreet Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals and the EDA Board. Please following the link to download the application and turn it into The City Hall or email to


Airport Advisory Board

Board Details

Continuously studies airport and aviation needs in the area and makes recommendations to the Council for the development and use of the airport.

Meets as needed at the Airport Arrival Departure Building

Board Members

Jim Carlson

Jeff Boersma

Alan Johnson

Brian Stenholm

Cornell Weltin

Peter Kienzle

Jacob Pastoors

Craig Mages

Richard Sigurdson

Blanca Ferguson

Jon Hawkinson

George Ebbers

Airport Board of Appeals and Adjustments

Board Details

The purpose of the Board is to hear and deliberate requests for variances from zoning regulations pertaining to the property surrounding the airport. Specifically, variance requests will normally pertain to the construction of a structure, increasing the height of a structure or the use of property in such a manner that would violate airport zoning regulations.

The Board meets on an as needed basis. 

Board Members

Alan Johnson

Brian Stenholm

Cornell Weltin

Peter Kienzle

Richard Sigurdson

Landon Padrnos

Jon Hawkinson

Airport Zoning Board

Board Details

The Board is responsible for developing a zoning ordinance for land uses around an airport. 

The Board meets on an as needed basis. 


Board Members

Alan Johnson

Cornell Weltin

Richard Sigurdson

Blanca Ferguson

Jon Hawkinson

Convention and Tourism Bureau

Board Details

The Olivia Convention & Tourism Bureau exists to promote the city as a destination location for conventions and tourism activities. The goal is to provide additional economic activity in the area along with improving on the quality of life for those living in or visiting Olivia. The Tourism Bureau receives its funding primarily through a 2% tax on overnight lodging establishments and its goal is to serve as a grant board to fund convention and tourism-focused proposals from individuals or organizations. The funds available can be used for a variety of promotional and organizational needs; however they cannot be used to purchase hard assets such as computers, real property, etc. Payment of grant awards are made upon receipt of paid invoices or other proof of project expenditures. Funds are limited and the board meets only as needed.

Board Members

Steve Altmann

Nanette Serbus

Cathy Baumgartner

Blanca Ferguson

Landon Padrnos

Susie Lang

Fire Service Board

Board Details

Board Members

George Ebbers

Matt Baumgartner

Housing and Redevelopment Authority

Board Details

This group works to keep the City strong by fostering business growth and development, promoting tourism and recreation, and providing housing opportunities for City residents. 

The group meets as needed at City Hall

Board Members

Blanca Ferguson

Richard Bonlender

Cathy Baumgartner

Jon Hawkinson

Library Board / Friends of the Library

Board Details

Board Members

Cathy Baumgartner

Heidi Gross

Sandy Moorse

Lora Coughlin

Jake Fejedelem

Olivia Economic Development Authority

Board Details

EDA Mission Statement: To promote, preserve and expand the economy of Olivia and Renville County through quality, affordable housing and creating new jobs in value added agriculture, manufacturing, the service industry and retail by retention and expansion.

The Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 12 Noon every month in the Council Chambers.

Board Members

George Ebbers

Cathy Baumgartner

Michelle Hanson

Chuck Brown

Thomas McDonnell

Jon Hawkinson

Susie Lang

Landon Padrnos

Greg Snow

Krystle Dillon

Olivia Swimming Pool / Joint Powers Board

Board Details

It is the responsibility of the Board to study, consider and recommend to the City Council general policies for the operation of the BOLD Community Pool. 

The board meets on an as needed basis in the Council Chambers.

Board Members

Blanca Ferguson

Matt Baumgartner

Landon Padrnos

Tracey Johnson

Parks and Recreation Board

Board Details

The Parks and Recreation Board exists to provide places and recreation opportunities for all people to gather, celebrate, contemplate, and engage in activities that promote health, well-being, community, and the environment. The Board shall preserve, protect, maintain, improve, and enhance the City's natural resources, parkland, and recreational opportunities for current and future generations.

The Board meets on the 1st Tuesday at 12 noon every month in the Council Chambers, or if weather permits, at Nester Park. 

Board Members

Brian Boen

Steve Altmann

Alicia Osthus

Mikayla Holm

Lisa Ryan

Adrienne Haugen

Richard Haugen

George Ebbers

Jeff Filipek

Ben Aaseth

Personnel Committee

Board Details

The Personnel Committee advises the City Council on matters relating to personnel policies and practices, compensation and benefits, labor relations and collective bargaining, employee relations, staffing and organizational structure.  

The Committee meets as needed at City Hall

Board Members

Jon Hawkinson

Blanca Ferguson

Jasmine Miller

Planning Commission

Board Details

The Planning Commission advises the City Council on all planning and development matters including rezoning, issuance of special use permits, and community development policies. 

The Commission meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers. 

Board Members

Larry Lee

Chris Hanson

Cathalina Zuniga



Jon Hawkinson - Council Member

Matt Baumgartner - Council Alternative

Marissa Castillo - City of Olivia Staff

Public Utilities Commission

Board Details

The Commission's mission is to create and maintain a regulatory environment that ensures safe, adequate and efficient utility services at fair, reasonable rates consistent with State telecommunications and energy policies.

The Commission meets on the 2nd Wednesday at 6:00pm every month in the Council Chambers.

Board Members

Jon Neubauer

Matt Baumgartner (Council Representative)

Mike Filzen

Mark Thiesse

Chris Fischer

Jolen Ervin

Blanca Ferguson (Council Alternate)

Jo Monson (Staff Member)

Mike Berge

Technology Committee

Board Details

The Technology Committee shall work to ensure that all City Entities utilize technology in a common, productive and cost effective manner for the benefit of the City, its operations and its residents.

The committee meets on the 4th Thursday at 5:30pm every month in the Council Chambers.

Board Members

Lisa Herges

Jake Fejedelem

Scott Tedrick

Thomas McDonnell

Neil Kaufenberg

Landon Padrnos

Matt Baumgartner

Jo Monson

Zoning Board of Appeals

Board Details

The purpose of this Board is to hear and decide all appeals and matters referred to it under the laws and ordinances of the City. The Board is authorized to overturn decisions of any official or employee of the City where error is alleged and proven in the interpretation or enforcement of the zoning ordinance, grant variances from the strict letter of the zoning ordinance provided that practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship exists and is proven, and render a decision on applications made to the board in those cases where the zoning ordinance specifically provides that the Board shall render a decision on the matter.

The Board meets as needed at City Hall.

Board Members


John Baumgartner

Larry Lee

George Ebbers

Marissa Castillo

Tentative Monthly Meeting Schedule:

City Council – 1st & 3rd Monday at 5:30pm
Contact: Jasmine Miller

EDA – 2nd & 4th Wednesday at Noon
Contact: Susie Lang

Technology Committee – 4th Thursday at 5:30pm
Contact: Jo Monson

Public Utilities Commission – 2nd Wednesday at 6pm
Contact: Jo Monson

Park & Rec Board – 1st Tuesday at noon
Contact: Jasmine Miller

Planning Commission – 2nd Monday at 7pm
Contact: Marissa Castillo

Comprehensive Plan (Project Steering Committee) – 1st Tuesday from 11:30-12:30
Contact: Marissa Castillo



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